The Positive Fields Mission
- Our goal is to help foster community growth through education in the arts and technology.
- As a makerspace, we will always strive to offer access to our equipment and curriculum at the lowest possible cost to our members.
- As a design collective, we combine traditional art with cutting edge technology to create functional art products.
- We build educational programs that teach art product design, technology, and entrepreneurial skills.
- Sometimes we host events for which we charge attendance fees. But we’ll always publish the content of these events and make the information covered in them freely available online.
- We support the maker movement wholeheartedly! We also support open source hardware and software initiatives however we can.

We want to make technology fun to learn and use, and empower artisans and craftspeople by providing free access to equipment that otherwise would be too expensive to access. We’re here to strengthen our community by sharing and promoting the rewards of learning, creating, and appreciation for the arts.

All Ages
Our members range in age from kids to retirees. We offer programs that get everyone up and running quickly.

All access
From beginner to expert. We have opportunities for everyone to learn.

Fun Collaborative Learning
We bring the positive experience of arts-oriented entrepreneurial thinking, training, and making into our community.